Helping People Thrive
Our Work
Empowering people. Changing Lives.
When you desire to make a difference in the world, how do you best help those in need?
You start with talking to those in need and find out what they see as the best way for them to thrive. Our efforts start with the individual and making a positive difference in mind. We focus on the skills, talents and desires of those in need to best help them learn to help themselves.
How do you make sure your efforts will help long term?
Promoting skills for empowerment focused on sustainability for the long term instilling self reliance and dignity usually work best. We have worked to find the most effective, positive and sustainable methods to alleviate poverty and produce positive change, so those we have served may prosper and help themselves thrive.
“God sent His son to establish His kingdom on earth and Jesus said we are to continue his work. We are to love in a way that others amazed by it, inspired by it and wish to be part of it.”

Volunteer Service Project
The Girls for Girls Project
We organize help to provide feminine hygiene supplies to women and girls in impoverished countries who have no resources to deal with their monthly period. They are often restricted from activities, family, work and school without needed supplies at this time.

Education and Empowerment Project
School for Girls Project
We are building a school for girls and young women in West Africa to provide housing, education and income earning skills. This will allow girls and young women to have a safe place to live and give them hope for a better future.

Women’s Empowerment
The Giving Hope Project
The Giving Hope Project is a community service program in St. Louis, Missouri assisting marginalized populations including refugees, immigrants, under served and homeless. While meeting needs we will also offer assistance to empower them to earn an income and help them help themselves.

Missions Center/ Pastor Training Center/Women and Girls Center in Ghana
Lighting the Path is dreaming big for meeting needs in Ghana. We have observed needs in Ghana which include rescuing women and girls from trafficking, pastor training for new church plants and a mission guesthouse for groups to visit for a mission experience and serving those in need.

Production of Feminine Hygiene Pads and Microfinance
Lighting the Path offers supplies and training to teach sewing and how to make washable and reusable feminine pads in impoverished countries.
We offer micro finance assistance in special need situations. We assist those in desperate need with additional support to get their small business up and producing sustainable income.

The Tororo Youth Initiative Project
Lighting the Path is working with The Tororo Youth Initiative which is empowering youth in Uganda with skills to support themselves. This program is training youth in skills and small business to allow them to earn a living and have a healthy productive life.